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Maddie Diamond

Downer Community Centre, Frencham Pl, Downer, 2602

SEE-Change is a grass-roots sustainability organisation based in Canberra. We are focussed on making beneficial changes to our Society, Environment and Economy (SEE) in order to live more sustainably. Our vision is to create a fair and sustainable Canberra through community connection. Formed in 2008, SEE-Change is unique in that it delivers sustainability information, activities and programs through its volunteer-led SEE-Change groups.

Our groups organise a wide range of events and programs each year, including workshops to develop future leaders in sustainability, practical workshops on reducing waste with hot composting demonstrations, and Sustainable House Days showcasing homes and gardens jam-packed with sustainability ideas.

We hire out kid�s bike trailers and cargo trailers so you can get around without burning fossil fuels. Each year we run a Bulk Buy of electric bikes where you make great savings. We work with the community on practical activities to address climate change, like �What do we want Canberra to look and feel like in 2030?�, and we run the annual Parliament of Youth on Sustainability.

We welcome Canberrans of all ages to get involved with SEE-Change, and run a number of programs specifically targeted at our youth. As young people inherit the risks and responsibilities of mitigating climate change impacts, it is essential that they are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to take on those challenges.

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